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Angry Egyptians in Tahrir Square, Cairo raise shoes in the air after President Hosni Mubarak's insulting speech (CBC) |
8-9 a.m. (PT)
Retired general tells AJE Mubarak's absence from meeting of military council a clear indication that "is no longer president." - Stephen Maher, Ottawa Bureau Chief for the Chronicle Herald
Mass celebrations Tahrir Square. - David Common, CBC
Egyptian state TV says Mubarak will address nation tonight . Reports say Mubarak may step down. - CBC New Alerts
9-10 a.m. (PT)
It does throw a guy off when news breaks before morning tea and he's got one cigarette left. - db
Mubarak announcement will apparently come at 10:30 a.m. (PT). - db
BreakingNews: President Mubarak is currently meeting with vice president at his palace - AP via Egyptian state TV
Watch Al Jazeera live - db
"... people in Tahrir Square have a strong sense of anticipation - people believe their moment has come." - Al Jazeera.
Big question - Will military step-in to govern until elections can be held? - db
Mubarak live TV now at 10pm local. 3pm eastern. Noon (PT). All in flux. - David Common, CBC
10-11 a.m. (PT)
Military announced that is has stepped in to "safeguard the country." Reports say ranks of military split with balance tipping to people. - Al Jazeera
People demand break from past w/ govt controlling the people. Want civilian rule and a constitution that builds country not individuals. - Al Jazeera
Cacophony from Tahrir Square exhilarating. Imagine the roar if Mubarak steps down today. - db
White House says there is a "fluid" situation going on, whatever that means. - db
From FB friend: "In Egypt I keep hearing about "they". "They" want change. "They are making new demands." "They are demanding a new form of government." "Their voice is being heard." I have a question: Who are "they" exactly? In the political "imagined community" sense this is a vital question, as "they" means a division between "we" and "other", which can lead to bad bad stuff.
Criminal court decision upholds ruling to ban 3 ministers from leaving country. - Al Jazeera
Protest has not relinquished, has not lost momentum in 17 days since it began. - db
11 a.m. - 12noon (PT): 30min past expected time of Mubarak speech
"We are witnessing history unfold." - Obama
Mubarak to address nation at 2000GMT, approx 45mins (12PT). - db
Al Jazeera reports military earlier prevented Mubarak from handing power to VP Sulieman. (First indication that the script will not go over well with the ever growing crowd in Tahrir Square.) - db
To the people - Be brave. Clenched fists. - db
Communique #1 from Supreme Council of Armed Forces - "Supreme Council of Armed Forces committed to uphold people's rights." - Al Jazeera
Muslim Brotherhood expresses fears of military coup. - Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera notes aggressive tone from state-controlled media toward corruption, injustice and social reform. - db
Still waiting. This crowd only gets bigger. So many children. - Nalhah Ayed, CBC. (Line sticks with me - So many children.)
Supreme Council of Armed Forces has only met 3 times in times of crisis since 1957. Will now meet "more regularly." - Al Jazeera (Suggests military will take much more active role in government.)
Since 1952 all of Egypt's leaders have come from military. Has been historically difficult for Egypt to have civilian rule. - Al Jazeera
12noon - 1 p.m. (PT)
Laudable reporting by Al Jazeera, particularly Ayman Mohyeldin who, at one point, detained by military for 7 hours. - db
Everything premature right now - expressions, speculation, anticipation, apprehension, exhilaration. Waiting. - db
Breaking News: Reuters reporting reliable sources say Mubarak will only announce lifting of emergency laws, hand power to VP and remain as president. - Al Jazeera
2 - 3 p.m. (PT)
Mubarak has begun his final speech? - db
Immediately apparent Mubarak's tone and words suggest he is not going. - db
"In my capacity as President of the state..." He's not stepping down. Points finger at external sources for troubles. - db
Mubarak says he has laid down a clear vision how to address the crisis. Proposes 6 constitutional amendments. - db
Mubarak will not lift emergency laws until situation calms. - db
Mid-speech, huge chant erupts in Tahrir Square. Deafening. Hundreds of thousands angry with Mubarak's insistence and reasons to remain. - db
Mubarak to stay on as president with some executive powers shifting to VP Sulieman. - db
Mood in Tahrir Square is anger. "He shall leave!" "He shall leave." People lifting shoes into air. Tense. Celebration turns to defiant.- db
Has Mubarak added more momentum to mobilization of tomorrow's million man march? - db
VP Sulieman's remarks insulting, ominous, foreboding. Tells young: go home. Accuses satellite TV (i.e. Al Jazeera) of inflaming anti-gov. Revolution begins tomorrow. - db
3 p.m. - 4 p.m. (PT)
Situation as clear as Nile silt. Mubarak in denial. Sulieman appears as strongman. Military split. Only clarity is palpable anger. - db
Lines between Mubarak and Sulieman have been drawn in sifting sands. - db
Dumped wheelbarrow of manure on my gardens today and thought this was what Mubarak and Sulieman did to Egyptians - dumped a load of shit. - db
February 11, 2011
1 a.m. - 2 a.m. (PT)
Daylight & crowds already gathering in large nos. in Tahrir Square on this day million man march. 2 hours 2 Friday prayers. And then? - db
Mood in DC; Obama impatient with Mubarak. Mood in Cairo; protesters defiant with Mubarak ahead of day of mass action. - db
Supreme Council of Armed Forces meeting again today. Mubarak not in attendance. Whose side will military side with? - db
Waiting for communique from Supreme Council of Armed Forces. There is thirst by many protesters for military to step in. Coup? - db
Mosa'ab Elshamy tweets: Today is 3rd Friday of our revolution. The 1st was bloody, 2nd was festive and 3rd should be decisive. #Jan25 - Twitter
"I am right by presidential palace now. Hearing that soldiers warned protesters they were from presidential guard &; had orders to shoot." #jan25 - BBC
Protesters surround state TV bldg, Cairo. Reports that bldg in lockdown. Protesters call 20 million to "Farewell Friday." #jan25 - BBC
Throngs by the thousands gathering in Tahrir Sq. prior to Friday prayers. - db
Mood in Israel, relief Mubarak staying. Mood in Iran, Ahmadinejad's take is that Mid East will soon be free of U.S. and Israel. - db
Mounting expectations of a military coup. Reports that mid-ranking officers joining pro-dem protests. #jan25 - Twitter
9 - 10 a.m.
Egyptian president stands down and hands over power to the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces. - db
What emotional rollercoaster. Tahrir -- excitement, anger, confusion, now jubilation. Egypt in 20 hours. - David Common, CBC
"Free democratic community" Text of Egyptian Army's statement. Looks good, but questions remain. - Stephen Maher, Ottawa Bureau Chief, Chronicle Herald
Mubarak has stepped down! Update from the CBC Current's team to be heard in the Pacific time zone OR stream live: - db
10 - 11 a.m.
Egypt: You won a revolution! - db
Al Jazeera live feed - db
Supreme Council of Armed Forces now in charge after Mubarak steps down. - db
Late last night, WH was growing increasingly impatient with regime. What role did Obama admin. play behind scenes? - db
Mubarak-lite, VP Sulieman has not resigned. - db
The domino-effect? Tunisia, Egypt... - db
Suleiman: CIA's man in Cairo - friend to the US & reported torturer, has long been touted a presidential successor. - db
Listen to the noise! A surging celebration of humanity in Tahrir Square.- db
Freedom is not free. This revolution is the sacrifice of so much over that last 3 weeks and the last 30 years of Egypt's young. - Al Jazeera
"The heart of Egypt is beating." - Aman Nour, El Ghad Party, Al Jazeera
Egypt's protests on Twitter. - Al Jazeera
Gold and oil decline as Mubarak resigns. NP
Tweet summary - Price of oil and gold drop; Mubarak's departure could create Pakistan-on-the-Nile. - db
11 a.m. - 12noon (PT)
Swiss freeze possible Mubarak assets.
if it really was the military that finally forced mubarak out, eery similarity to suharto' - Rod Mickleburgh, TGAM
Statement from army RT with communique on Al Jazeera live. - db
Egyptian military: "there is no alternative but the legitimacy of what is acceptable to the people." Also, thank you, Hosni. - Andrew Coyne, MacLean's
CDN PM Stephen Harper comments. If you care... - db
1 - 2 p.m. (PT)
Oooooo... CDN PMs office preparing statement on Egypt. I'm aflutter with eager anticipation. - db
Okay... so who's going to volunteer for clean-up after this party? Anyone? Anyone? - db
Seriously?! Rumours they're talking to Mubarak about being one-dimensional villain in Arnie's next, untitled film. - db
3 - 4 p.m.
Guardian headline: "Obama says Egypt will never be the same." You don't say. - db
4 - 5 p.m.
Domino effect? Next up... "Iran 'scared of the will of it's people': US." Demos planned in Iran on Monday. - db
8 - 9 p.m.
Excellent observation from TGAM on what Obama admin has signaled about its foreign policy post-#Mubarak.
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